“The largest group of refugees, approximately six thousand, is within Shams itself, in the center of the district. Another two thousand have arrived to the village of Bakhteer, located around fifty kilometers from the center of the district; an additional two and a half thousand or so refugees remain in the most remote part of the Shams district, in the inaccessible village of Akmal Khan. We assume that the remaining refugees, currently traveling through the desert, will also arrive at Akmal Khan.” Anika made a short pause, which Collins made use of immediately.
“UNHRD has food supplies that should cover approximately eight thousand. Can MA mobilize their trucks tonight, so the supplies can be transported to Shams and Bakhteer in the morning?”
Before Anika could ask why Shams and Bakhteer, but not Akmal Khan, she was cut off by the voice of Dr. Rashidi.
“The food should be moved to Akmal Khan first. The people arriving there are the most poverty-stricken part of the Khamar population; further, Akmal Khan is one of the most remote villages in Shams, meaning the locals’ food supplies will be minimal.”
Anika went to agree with him, but was beaten by Collins.
“Doctor Rashidi, we appreciate your advice, but I must inform you that this operation is under the complete control of the United Nations. In this specific case, the leading agency before the UN is the UNHRD. You have to be aware that the eyes of the world media are directed toward this catastrophe. We'll attempt to send journalists with MA's trucks to get some footage of the situation and the efforts invested by the UN into solving this humanitarian crisis. You're well-aware that journalists wouldn't dare go to Akmal Khan; even if they did, Akmal Khan is too far – we need this media report tomorrow.”
Anika opened her mouth and closed it again. Rashidi was already talking.
“You have to send food and humanitarian assistance to the most endangered areas first! No one, not even the UN, can decide to send aid to the district center first when there are already local supplies in place, as well as an adequate medical institution.” There was fire in his eyes as he spoke to Collins.
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